Advance Care Directive
Have you thought about how you’ll convey your wishes when you are unable to speak for yourself? I can support you through creating an Advance Care Directive and a plan for your End of Life so that you take the burden from your loved ones at that point of time when emotions are high.
Advance care planning is thinking about and documenting your preferences for future health care. It prepares you and others for a time when you may no longer be able to communicate those decisions.
Starting the conversation about advance care planning is an important first step in ensuring a person’s preferences for future care are known and respected.
Following this process will ensure your preferences are clear, that they are understood by your family and loved ones and they are accessible to health professionals.
Sessions are 1-2 hours long.
Cost $100
End of Life
Planning ahead will enable you and your family to take advantage of the many different services that exist to help you prepare for the end of your life. This planning will make it easier for your family to put things into place knowing they are acting according to your wishes.
Planning and making decisions about the end of your life can be a positive experience. It is a good opportunity to reflect on the things that are important to you, and to make arrangements that suit you.
Do you have a will?
Have you appointed a power of Attorney?
Do you want to be at home when you die?
Have you thought about funeral plans?
There are many things to consider at end of life. It is the last gift you can give your family.
This checklist is from The Groundswell Project
Sessions are 1-2 hours long.
Cost $100