Somewhere along the line, we’ve stopped talking about what we’d like to have happen as we’re dying. The sadness is that we are left feeling unsupported and uneducated about what is important to us at the end of our lives. There are many ways to get together and talk through our wishes, our fears and our plans in order to ensure that our loved ones aren’t left wondering what we would have liked.
Planning for the end of your life, is the last gift you will give your family. Let’s get together and talk about what matters to you.
So, how do we get together? I can come and hold a planning session with your local community group, at a gathering of friends in your home, in a one-on-one session or even with your health team present. We will go through all aspects of your end of life wishes, from Advance Care Planning to your send-off.
This can be at your own pace: I know this can be overwhelming. Gather the people you want involved and I’ll help make this an easy and thoughtful process for you all.
End of Life Planning
Your End of Life Plan includes the practical and emotional decisions around your care at the end of your life. You will record decisions such as who you would like supporting you in those final days, your surroundings and where you would like to die and what your funeral or memorial may look like.
Advance Care Planning – Planning for your health care wishes when you can no longer make decisions for yourself.
Wills and Power of Attorney Planning – Ensuring the right people are acting on your behalf and that you are supported in drawing up your Will.
The Dying Process – My experience as a health professional gives me insight into what the process of dying may look like for you. I can help walk you through what to expect, where to get health support and comfort as time goes on. I can attend appointments with you to work with your health professionals to better your understanding of what might happen next.